The Kindness Rocks Project SW
Hello, I started the kindness rocks project in my hometown of South Windsor, CT with my mother after we spent a weekend at my uncles campground and stumbled across a community rocks garden in Brewster, MA. As a future teacher, I thought this was a great idea to spread kindness and make this world a better place. My mom and I thought of placing the rocks garden at a park in my hometown where there are a lot of families and community members who walk and run by the site all day. We were overwhelmed and excited with the amount of rocks that were taken on the first day! We have gotten a lot of our family members and our friends involved and some of the community members have also started to add rocks to the pile! We are very happy that we have started to inspire others by taking our rocks and hope to inspire others to add their own rocks to the pile or start a garden of their own!
Thank you!! Sincerely,
Alexa Lawson (@TheKindnessRocksProjectSW)