She Thrives
Name: The Harrisons
How Did You Hear About The Kindness Rocks Project? I heard about this great project through a newly opened women's space called She Thrives. A friend of mine from many moons ago is working there to make positive change for women who need it. I immediately fell in love with the idea - I run an art business that also strives to inspire through the inclusion of kind and thoughtful words. This seemed right up my alley!! My 5 yr old son has also fallen in love with collecting and painting the rocks. So it is fun activity we can do together to model what we want to see in the world!! I am hoping to lead a much larger movement in our area.
Where? (Location) Oro-Medonte, Ontario, Canada
What inspired you to contact/join TKRP? Kindness matters, and words matter, and connections matter. This fun activity incorporates all 3!!
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