Join us won't you? We’re running a KINDNESS CAMPAIGN

That’s right

And, we are going to play it out in the media….

Social Media that is!

Most of us think of a campaign as the competition by rival candidates for public office….

NOPE we are running a different kind of campaign

“A systematic course of aggressive activity for a specific purpose”

WHY: It’s pretty simple…there’s no debating the world needs more kindness right now…so “if not us, than who?” “If not now, then when?”

HOW: Good question. We had an idea If we all simply acted by reaching out to a friend, family member co-worker, neighbor, long lost HS buddy (you get our gist) and Nominated them to join our Campaign, we could start a Kindness Revolution!



*paint a kindness rock and drop it for another unsuspecting recipient (we like that idea a lot)

*Hold the door for a stranger and smile

*Comment with a kind word to someone who needs it

There are many creative ways to be kind we bet you’ll blow us away with the ideas you come up with!

2.   SHARE a picture, write a post or upload a video on social media about your act of kindness as it will inspire others and that’s the point here OR simply post our KINDNESS BOARD and tag a friend!

3.   ELECT someone (meaning tag a friend on social media) NOMINATING them to join our KINDNESS CAMPAIGN *or tag multiple people, that’s entirely up to you, remember your impact  is every life you touch!

4.   ADD #TheKindnessRocksProject and #KindnessCampaign in your post!

It’s really that simple!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Kindness RocksMegan Murphy